Using the Rheumatology Mind Map website, you agree with the following disclaimer:

The content of this website is intended for healthcare professionals. Patients are strongly discouraged to use it as the information contained here cannot be a substitute for a consultation with the qualified health professional who has appropriate clinical judgement, skills, and experience.

Any reliance on this information is strictly at the user's own risk. Although the information on this website is believed to be correct at the time of publication the author does not accept responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or out-of-date information. Infographics presented in the mind map is not a validated decision aid.

Healthcare professionals are encouraged to perform their research and to consult local policies and guidelines as practices in rheumatology vary widely and the mind map does contain pieces of information which are based on author's opinion rather than on scientific evidence.

Every effort was made to contact copyright owners to obtain appropriate permissions for the materials to be published on this website. If anyone has inadvertently been omitted please get in touch with the author at

The author has no current affiliations with pharmaceutical companies and declares no conflict of interest.